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Tools to help you work remotely

Remote work has increased in recent years and even more recently. Many companies opt for the hybrid model, i.e., part of the working days are developed from home and the others are executed from the office. This fact has led to an increased demand for tools and technologies that facilitate online collaboration and communication.

Some of the tools that can be used to work remotely are:

  • Videoconferencing platforms: Videoconferencing platforms are a essential tool for any remote team. They allow for real-time virtual meetings and collaboration on via screen projects. Some of the most popular platforms include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and Skype.
  • Online collaboration tools: Online collaboration tools are crucial for maintaining communication and collaboration between remote teams. They allow sharing files, working on documents in real time, and assigning tasks and responsibilities. Some of the most popular tools include Slack, Microsoft Teams, Asana, Trello, Notion and Basecamp.
  • Project management tools: Project management tools are important for planning and organizing tasks, setting deadlines and goals, and tracking progress. These are: Microsoft Project and Planner, Trello, Asana, Basecamp and
  • File management tools: File management tools for sharing and collaborating on documents and files should also be considered. Remarkable among these are: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive + SharePoint and iCloud.
  • Real-time communication applications: Real-time communication tools are very useful in this type of communications. Among the popular ones: WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal.
  • For remote control: Technical support teams must access staff computers remotely to solve possible technical problems. In this case we have TeamViewer and AnyDesk.
  • Security tools: Security tools become important when sending and sharing information that can be very sensitive to the point that sometimes you need to send confidential data. Some of the most popular tools are: LastPass, 1Password and NordVPN.

The choice of tools will depend on the specific needs of the team and the preferences of the staff. It is important to choose tools that are easy to use, secure and efficient to ensure effective collaboration. In this sense, SC Trade Center has an IT service to provide companies with technological solutions and in this case can advise you on the choice of the right tools for each case.

If you are looking for a space to work remotely or away from home, SC Trade Center offers different options with a lot of flexibility, in Barcelona and Sant Cugat. SC Trade Center helps you find the best place and service to always achieve your goals according to the need.

Tools to help you work remotely
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