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Find out how your diet can have an impact on you at work.

Food is essential to keep us healthy and fit, but it also plays a key role in our working efficiency and our daily development. Although we tend to overlook how the food, we eat impacts our productivity, concentration, and general well-being at work, it is true that it has a great effect, especially after a long vacation when it’s hard to get back to the demands of the routine. With all this in mind, we explain how your daily diet affects your work environment, and how you can nourish yourself to optimize and improve results.

The ability to keep concentration during the working day depends mainly on the nutrients consumed, so we can choose foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, tuna fish, sardines, walnuts and chia, which help in this aspect.

Sometimes, after breakfast we feel a drop in energy, this can be caused by the consumption of foods with high sugar content, such as sweets, packaged juices or soft drinks, among others. These foods cause rapid increases in glucose levels usually followed by a sharp drop, causing fatigue and drowsiness. Keeping a balanced diet based mostly on vegetables, vegetables, legumes and quality proteins will help you avoid fatigue.

In addition, we must take into account the need for good hydration, which will allow us to have a good work performance. Dehydration can significantly affect the ability to concentrate, decrease productivity and increase the feeling of tiredness. Drinking water is key, especially if you work in closed or air-conditioned environments, which accelerate the dehydration process.

Coffee also has an important impact on work. Its excessive consumption can affect work efficiency. Although it is true that caffeine is a stimulant, drinking too much coffee can cause nervousness, anxiety, and even affect the quality of sleep, which consequently has an impact on the ability to concentrate and energy.

We should try to avoid the so-called “mindless eating” or eating out of boredom. In the work environment, especially in offices, it is easy to fall into the trap of eating out of boredom and without hunger, because with this action, usually little nutritious and very caloric food is consumed, affecting well-being and productivity.

Find out how your diet can have an impact on you at work.
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